School of Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies
The School of Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies funded by the Volkswagenstiftung, provides a modular, interdisciplinary, international and digital approach to teaching post-antique Latin. The aim of the project is to develop and implement an innovative teaching concept through inter-university cooperation and consistent use of blended learning.
Principal Investigators
Frank Bezner & Stefan Tilg
The VedaWeb 2.0 digital workspace
VedaWeb 2.0, funded by the DFG, develops a collaborative digital workspace for Old Indo-Aryan texts. It builds on and expands VedaWeb 1.0. which is already the most advanced web-based platform for linguistic and philological work on Old Indo-Aryan. VedaWeb 2.0 takes the leap from a locally developed and curated platform into a collaborative workspace which will be shaped by the needs of the research community as a whole.
Principal Investigators
Uta Reinöhl (Freiburg), Daniel Kölligan (Würzburg), Claes Neuefeind (Köln) Patrick Sahle (Wuppertal)
Handwritten Text Recognition
The project (funded by the Ministry of Arts and Sciences Baden-Württemberg) makes use of recent advances in the field of Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR, based on AI, neural networks) to develop tools for the automatic recognition of handwriting in German, Russian, Serbian, and Ottoman Turkish, to critically reflect on the underlying technologies and associated problems and to use them for the benefit of the population.
Principal Investigators
Achim Rabus (in cooperation with Johanna Pink & Veronika Lipphard)
A Robust Analytical Perspective on Rusyn
In this DFG-funded project, we develop a corpus for the Slavic minority language Rusyn that features transcriptions, sound recordings, metadata search, an interactive map, and automatic part-of-speech and full morphology tagging. Moreover, we establish and test robust statistical methods for the analysis of small datasets.
Principal Investigator
Achim Rabus
The Cyber-Creole/ RomWeb Project
The Cyber-Creole/RomWeb Project, funded by the DFG, is based on the web corpus tool NCAT. NCAT is a retrieval and analysis platform that is innovative because it allows for the combination of third wave sociolinguistics and Computer-Mediated Communication research. It is login-protected and provides a wide array of search, visualisation, and annotation options.
Principal Investigators in Freiburg
Daniel Alcón, Christian Mair & Stefan Pfänder
World French – a multimodal corpus
The Corpus International Écologique de la Langue Française (ciel-f) project, funded by the DFG, is accessible via the Multimodal Corpora Administration and Analysis platform MOCA. Detailed search routines in Ciel-f as powered by MOCA enable fine-grained searches for individual recordings, speakers, transcript excerpts and labels from 20 varieties of French world-wide. In addition, transcripts can be searched for intonation phrases that contain certain word forms.
Collaborating Investigators in Freiburg, Basel & Lyon
Daniel Alcón, Carole Etienne, Lorenza Mondada & Stefan Pfänder
multimodal oral corpora administration (v.3)
[moca3] is an online system for the administration and collaborative analysis of spoken language corpora. Audio and/or video recordings and the accompanying transcription files are stored in [moca3]. Transcription files are aligned, providing the access to the media file at individual points in a transcription file directly through an internet browser.
Collaborating Investigators in Freiburg, Leuven, Luxemburg, Bayreuth, Heidelberg, Potsdam & Osnabrück
Daniel Alcón, Peter Auer, Peter Gilles, Jens Leonhard, Stefan Pfänder & Anne Catherine Simon
Romance Languages Digital Education
The project Teaching Romance Languages – digital tools and open access resources builds bridges between the Romance Languages, Cultures & Literatures Department and High Schools in Baden-Württemberg. It provides digital tools & spoken language resources for L2-Teaching of French, Italian and Spanish at the ‘Gymnasium’.
Principal Investigators
Daniela Marzo & Caroline Pfänder
Digital Paleoslavistics
This completed international project (funded by the Humboldt Foundation, in cooperation with the Institute of the Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences) aims to develop and apply user-friendly resources for the natural language processing (NLP) of languages with rich morphology and a high level of variation such as pre-modern Orthodox Slavic.
Principal Investigator in Freiburg
Achim Rabus
In this international project (funded by the DFG and its Polish equivalent NCN, in cooperation with the University of Łódź), we apply a mixed-methods approach to investigate linguistic and textual continuity and innovation in Slavic at the threshold of modernity. Among others, we develop methods to use uncorrected Handwritten Text Recognition results for quantitative linguistic and stylometric analysis.
Principal Investigator in Freiburg
Achim Rabus
Multimodal Analysis of Embodied Interaction
This Research Focus at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) „Synchronization in Embodied Interaction“ foregrounded a central assumption about communication that so far has not yet been duly recognized in the relevant disciplines: Interpersonal communication, whether face-to-face or mediated, unfolds through several multi-modal resources that are characterized by the intricate interaction between verbal components and bodily expressions.
Principal Investigators
Stefan Pfänder, Hermann Herlinghaus, Carl Scheidt and Claas Lahmann
Exploring Digital Mary Magdalene
„Exploring Digital Mary Magdalene“ is an online collection of digital editions containing a late medieval legend of Mary Magdalene’s conversion, preserved in both Latin and various vernacular manuscripts. The most venerated female saint in the later Middle Ages, second only to the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene was a popular subject of sermons, legends, plays and other devotional literature.
Principal Investigator
Racha Kirakosian
eWave 3.0
eWAVE (designed and compiled at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) and the English Department ) is an interactive database on morphosyntactic variation in spontaneous spoken English mapping 235 features from a dozen domains of grammar in 77 Englishes spoken around the world (Africa, Asia, Australia, British Isles, Caribbean, North America, Pacific, and the South Atlantic).
Principal Investigators
Bernd Kortmann, Kerstin Lunkenheimer, Katharina Ehret
FREDDIE – FReiburg English Dialect Database for Instruction and E-learning
FREDDIE is a multimedia platform designed for research-based teaching and learning. It is based on FRED (FReiburg English Dialect corpus), one of the largest dialect corpora for UK English dialects worldwide. FREDDIE allows students at all levels to experience self-organized data extraction, formal and statistical analysis as well as visualization via AntConc, Praat, Shiny and R. FREDDIE is freely accessible online, hosted on ILIAS by the University Library.
Principal Investigator
Bernd Kortmann
As part of a project (2018-2021) financed by the Adelhausen Foundation Freiburg, a virtual exhibition was developed in cooperation with students from Freiburg and Oxford and with the participation of colleagues in Medieval Studies as an accompanying offer to the exhibition in the Museum of City History. The exhibition shows the role books have played in women’s life in monasteries like the dominican monastery Adelhausen, whether in education, religious teaching and liturgy or in the administration.
Principal Investigators
Martina Backes, Balázs J. Nemes
Making Mysticism
The project, funded by the DFG 2018-2021, has set itself the goal of digitally and genetically re-editing the shelf marks D, DF, E, F and I of the library catalog of the Erfurt Charterhouse, which was created between 1475 and 1520. This part of the catalog offers the unique opportunity, based on historically attested book stocks, to pursue the question of how ‚mysticism‘ has developed as a principle of organizing a library and what the beginnings of the historiographical category formation ‚mystical‘ look like.
Principal Investigators
Antje Kellersohn, Balázs J. Nemes
Working Group „Old and New Media in the Digital Humanities“
This interdisciplinary working group, at the intersection of old and new media in the Digital Humanities and affiliated with the Graduate School ‘Humanities’, provides a platform for vibrant discussions on projects and research endeavors. While primarily designed for doctoral students, it welcomes all enthusiasts, from undergraduates to seasoned scholars.
Group Coordinator
Christian Feichtinger
Stylometric Analysis of Soviet World War II Memoirs
The project applies a contrastive stylometric analysis of World War II memoirs written by male and female Soviet veterans. It considers the influence of gender of the veterans on their personal remembrance of the War not by discussing the contents of the memoirs, the events or people described and their interpretation, but the stylistic aspects of these memoirs.
Dora Kelemen